Happy Camper Behavior Chart-FREEBIE!!

Sunday, April 28, 2019
In my classroom, the behavior clip chart works for me. These are the reasons I have had success...
*Kids are accountable for behavior. Those babies love pulling their pins up for good behavior and don't like pulling them down for negative behavior. If applicable, I allow them to pull the pin back up once behavior is corrected. Honestly, for most kids, they feel success for correcting that behavior and won't do the negative offense again..most of the time..
*My coworkers have had success with class dojo and online things like this. Personally, I haven't had success with online methods because a lot of my students parents don't participate and won't download the app.
*Great documentation
Positive-My school babies love to see that I have written a note about good behavior. I don't write something everyday but I do write why his/her pin was pulled up. Parents like this too.
Negative-I write the offense of why the child had to pull his/her clip down. It's good to have this documentation to see if the behavior continues.

Clip Chart
This clip chart works like other clip charts-print, laminate, hang up, and add clothes pins (or clips) labeled with student names. You're set!

Take home folder
At the beginning of the school year, I make a copy of the entire school year, punch holes, and insert into a prong folder. (Of course vinyl folders hold up longer) 
Daily, I write behavior that happened that day.
At the end of the month, I rip the monthly sheet out and file it to keep as documentation.

Parent Letter
Included is a parent letter that describes the behavior chart system.

An editable chart is included!

Happy Camper theme is my new obsession LOVE! Llama are cute! Owls are adorable! Happy Campers are my very FAVORITE! If you are in happy camper love too, click here to check out my store. So far, I have a few Happy Camper items available. More will be added soon!!
Editable Happy Camper Name Tags
Editable Happy Camper Schedule Cards
Happy Camper Alphabet Chart/Word Wall
Happy Camper Table Signs

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